What worth has beauty if it is not seen? -Italian Proverb

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What are today's beauty standards for a Fashionable Woman?

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Women are supposed to apply cosmetics in their daily life, work out at the gym, maintain a slim figure with the proper curves, and be young, according to today’s beauty standards for a Fashionable woman. 

What varies today from the past, though, is that, as society has become more inclusive, we may now also display our individuality.

What are Beauty standards for perfect Western Modern women?

Western ideas continue to shape global beauty standards to a considerable extent. 

Round eyes, a slim frame, light complexion, narrow faces, small noses, high cheekbones, and so forth… are all Western standards.

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What Makes An American Woman Beautiful According To American Men.

In America, there is a culturally established definition of beauty. A difficult benchmark to meet. 

Being fair-skinned, blonde, and blue-eyed is considered the pinnacle of attractiveness. That’s what American men think the  Beauty of American Women. What men really like in women? a very big topic on discussion, going on for centuries with lots of thoughts and likes expressed, a symmetrical face, attractive lips, a broad smile, a wider waist-hip ratio, healthy hair, a high-pitched voice, clear complexion, and large eyes may be expectation. 

A difficult benchmark to meet. Being fair-skinned, blonde, and blue-eyed is considered the pinnacle of attractiveness.

But some other thoughts say that beauty of a woman is not only measured by physical, and they involves Psychological and behavioral elements of women also considered making her beauty.

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Following measures should be considered while measuring the real beauty of a woman. Sense of humor, Intelligence, Maturity, kindness and friendliness, adventurous, right walk, Decisiveness, head tilt, tattoos and piercings.

Most men will agree that to be attractive, a woman must have a strong sense of humor. As a result, we prefer to seek out persons who are amusing and clever as potential partners. They also note that being able to laugh with your partner is incredibly attractive since it indicates that your relationship will be interesting and exciting. According to studies, couples who have a great sense of humor live longer.

While a woman does not need to be a genius to attract a man, she does need to be intelligent. Men are usually more interested in a lady with whom they can have in-depth and stimulating chats. The man is more drawn to the lady if the conversation is engaging and intellectually stimulating.

In Recent studies, men prefer women of mature in character or behavior, then Hormones fluctuate as men and women age, and secondary sex traits become less evident. Because reproduction becomes less important as people become older, these secondary sex features make a youthful appearance less appealing. When a result, as men get older, they want women who look to be more mature.

Personality characteristics like friendliness and kindness are frequently linked to physical appearance. According to this study, these “personality feature” clusters could be a “halo effect.” The halo effect is a theory that claims that the presence of desirable personality qualities makes people appear more appealing. As a result, it’s obvious that men who want to date nice, trustworthy, and kind women will find these women more physically beautiful.

Being attractive is frequently linked to being adventurous, among other qualities. This may indicate that men are drawn to daring women who are ready to accept little risks. A woman who is prepared to try new things and take modest risks can appear more adventurous and fascinating to men who are looking for this feature in their partners.

The way a lady walks can also be seen as appealing and self-assured. Many individuals are innately more attracted to confident people, therefore a confident and robust walk will frequently appear attractive. While gaining confidence can be challenging, beginning with a powerful walk can assist you in gaining personal strength and dignity.


Knowing that your date is confident in themselves and their choices is highly appealing. While it’s fine to be unsure in the great scheme of things, taking control of specific decisions on a date can instantly ignite a spark. Men may find it appealing and exciting to watch their date express themselves and tell them what they want rather than handing over all control to him.

Depending on how you tilt your head, you can appear more or less beautiful to others. According to research, males are more attracted to women who bend their heads at a certain degree. Men were more attracted to women who tilted their heads slightly downward, making them appear more feminine, according to the study.

Although some males dislike women who alter their bodies, a poll of 1000 people indicated that the majority of people would find a tattoo or piercing appealing. A tattoo would appeal to 69% of the men polled, while a piercing would appeal to 55%. According to the survey, the most appealing tattoos were on the shoulder or upper back, while the most attractive body piercing was a belly button piercing.

Do you Agree?………

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Four Ways To Look Young

Ah the proverbial fountain of youth. Elusive, and often expensive, people want to look young, and they'll do some insane things to do it. Stuff like, you know, collagen injections, Botox. You really have to love the extremes people take to avoid those wrinkles.

Surprisingly, in their desire to fight aging of the skin, many people overlook the fundamentals of healthy living. What's more, they're unaware that those pricey injections are usually unnecessary, because a good wrinkle cream can do the same job and at a fraction of the cost.

Kollagen Intensiv is a leading wrinkle cream from the Skinception line of skin products that help people look young and feel great about their skin. What makes it so effective? A splendid blend of natural ingredients with proven anti-agers, including retinol, shea butter and SYN®-COLL.

I Look Like My Mother!

Granted, genes play a role in the aging process. Some people age faster than others - you can look like you're 50 at 80, and vice versa. And if you indulge in unhealthy habits, well, you're on an express train to wrinkle central.

But skin is resilient. A little TLC can work wonders at any age. At the core of healthy, young-looking skin, two proteins that you want to appease: collagen and elastin, both of which belong to a fiber network under the skin.

Now that we've established some ground rules, let's review four ways to look young. And at the heart of your strategy, Kollagen Intensiv, which will have people second-guessing your age and can do remarkable things to reverse signs of aging.

Avoid The Sun

One of the greatest ironies of skin care is that wrinkles are usually preventable. And a leading, if not the leading cause of those lines you want to avoid? The sun.

Don't sun bathe. In summer and in hot climates, stay out of the sun between 10AM and 4PM when possible. Wear a wide-brimmed hat when you can't. Slather on a broad spectrum sun screen with an SPF of at least 30 and preferably higher.

UV rays penetrate the skin and damage elastin fibers. Just skip the sun as much as you can, and manage your time in it when you're exposed to the sun's damaging rays. Do these things and you'll have fewer wrinkles. Avoid the sun. Got it?

Don't Smoke

Like we had to tell you this already. In addition to the numerous health hazards that come with this nasty habit, smokers generally develop more wrinkles than people who don't smoke, and they get them sooner.

Smoking hastens the aging process, with reduced blood flow to the face, and the effects of the toxic chemicals in cigarettes. And smokers tend to squint to keep smoke out of their eyes. The results? More wrinkles.

Don't smoke. For your health, your insurance premiums, and your forehead.

Eat a Skin-Friendly Diet

While we're talking about healthy habits, let's talk about what goes on your plate.

Skin needs nutrients. Among them, zinc, biotin, vitamins A, C and E. Some foods are better for your skin than others, and if you really want to avoid wrinkles, or at least reduce them, load up on skin-friendly foods. Aim for five to seven servings of fruits and vegetables each day. In particular, eat green, leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, carrots, almonds and oily fish.

A final word on this subject. If there's one food more than any other that can plump the skin and minimize wrinkles, it's good old-fashioned h20. Drink six to eight glasses of water a day, to hydrate your skin and flush out toxins.

Kollagen Intensiv

Your wrinkle prevention plan is a comprehensive one that works synergistically with the points we've covered in this article. Combined, they can minimize wrinkles.

That said, you can't undo the past. If you've skimped on sun screen until now or smoked like a chimney, you're wearing the results. It's time to get serious. Want to reverse wrinkles? Kollagen Intensiv.

In a recent clinical study, SYN®-COLL, reduced the appearance of wrinkles by 354%. And skin texture improved by 201%. Rooted in Swiss skin-care, SYN®-COLL stimulates collagen and elastin production and fades wrinkles. Period.

You'll find SYN®-COLL in Kollagen Intensiv, along with shea butter, retinol, soybean oil and the reassurance of Skinception's industry-leading 90 day no-risk money back guarantee.

Kollagen Intensiv fades wrinkles. Combine that with the tips we've covered in this article and you'll look young, healthy and, believe us, gorgeous!


A Review of Skinception Intensive Stretch Mark Therapy

In the grand scheme of things, stretch marks tell the world you've been around and done remarkable things. But on the beach, and behind closed doors, they're the kind of biological milestones that are not only unflattering, they also really hurt your self-esteem.

Stretch marks ain't sexy. We know this. We see this. And yet up to 90% of mothers have them. That sexy bathing suit body you had? Um, well the important thing is that you still think you're sexy. Or do you?

And it's not just pregnancy that triggers these scars of life where you least want them. Adolescence, weight gain or loss. Heck, even weight-lifting can cause stretch marks. Did you get that guys?

Suffice to say, you're reading this article because you've got stretch marks. More importantly, you want to minimize those stretch marks and the effect they have on your self- esteem.

If that's the case, we have good news for you: Skinception Intensive Stretch Mark Therapy.

What Causes Stretch Marks?

Striae, or stretch marks, form when the skin has been scarred from the inside-out.

Contrary to what you may have heard, they're not just the result of skin that's been stretched beyond its limit. Healthy skin requires two things: collagen and elastin. Collagen gives rigidity to the connective tissues. And elastin, as its name implies, gives elasticity to the skin.

You know how when you pinch your skin it quickly retains its original shape? Elastin in action.

Some life events, including pregnancy, weight gain or loss, surgery and adolescence cause the body to secrete a hormone called glucocorticoids. And this hormone prevents the skin from producing the collagen and elastin required for taut, young skin.

Without collagen and elastin, the layers of skin separate. At first we see them as angry red strips. Then the blood vessels dilate, and the loss of pigment eventually leads to a silver or white appearance. And voila - stretch marks. On the abdomen, hips, thighs and buttocks. The sexy spots. How...unsexy.

How Skinception Intensive Stretch Mark Therapy Can Help

Now for some good news. You can erase those ugly stretch marks and feel good about your skin.

Skinception Intensive Stretch Mark Therapy is a hybrid of patented peptides and natural skin care. The peptides include Regestril, Darutoside and ProCollOne+. If your stretch marks are bugging you, keep reading.

In a recent clinical study, of 13 women with post-pregnancy stretch marks, participants applied a two per cent concentration of Regestril on the affected area for two months. After which, the women noticed something truly remarkable - a 72.5% reduction in the depth of stretch marks. After just two months.

Another peptide in Intensive Stretch Mark Therapy, Darutoside, reduced the length of stretch marks in a four week clinical study by 52%. And collagen production? ProCollOne+ is clinically proven to stimulate collagen fibroblasts by an astounding 1,190%!

Those are the kinds of numbers that fade stretch marks, restore skin tone and raise sex appeal. Stretch marks ain't sexy, and thanks to Skinception Intensive Stretch Mark Therapy, you won't have to bear them again.

By the way, expecting mothers should check out the Mom-to-Be package: a nine month supply of the best stretch mark cream on the market, a tenth jar for free, a one month supply of Skinception's Kollagen Intensiv and free shipping in the United States. All for just $39.99 a month.

Stretch marks don't stand a chance!


Illuminatural 6i Skin Brightener Review

Skin products do very well at the cash register. Let's face it, skin is sexy. And one of the top sellers in this lucrative industry are skin brightening products, which, as you'd expect, brighten the skin.

The problem with most skin brightening products is that they're laden with dangerous chemicals and toxic agents, including steroids, hyrdoquinone and especially mercury. Enter the natural skin brightener, a skin lightening product formulated with botanicals and natural exfoliants.

Illuminatural 6i by the Skinception line of skin care products is one of the few skin brighteners available today with no toxic ingredients or dangerous chemicals in its formula. Customer reviews thus far, as with most products by Skinception, have been positive.

What Illuminatural 6i Does

A skin lightener is designed to lighten the skin, for a more even complexion and with reduced visibility of skin blemishes. With that in consideration, Illuminatural 6i is designed to reduce the appearance of:

  • moles
  • age spots
  • freckles
  • birth marks
  • sun damage
  • acne scars
  • melasma
  • To achieve this, a skin lightener must inhibit the tyrosinase enzyme that stimulates the melanocyte skin cells that produce melanin – the dark pigment. Excessive melanin is responsible for skin blotchiness, uneven skin tone and dark spots. Excess melanin can also be called hyperpigmentation.

    In addition, a skin lightener needs to exfoliate the dark pigmented cells to encourage newer, bright skin cells to reach the outermost layer of skin, the epidermis.

    Illuminatural 6i is designed to perform both of these functions – inhibit the enzyme responsible for hyperpigmentation and exfoliate the skin in a safe yet effective manner. Thus far, consumer reviews indicate it's a less painful and more convenient way to exfoliate the skin than by using a chemical peel.

    The Formula

    Illuminatural 6i is a natural skin lightener. As such, it consists primarily of gentle skin lighteners, plant-derived active ingredients and natural exfoliants. Of the more notable ingredients in its formula, you'll find:

    Niacinamide – A form of vitamin B3, niacinamide is involved in over 200 enzymatic reactions and can significantly reduce hyperpigmentation, often in less than a month.

    Alpha-Arbutin – Derived from berries and fruits, alpha-arbutin is proven to reduce melanin by up to 70% and is a safer, more natural alternative to common skin bleachers. In a chinese study, researchers found that women who used alpha-arbutin experienced 60% more skin lightening effects than achieved with hydroquinone.

    Beta Glucan – Considered a natural alternative to Botox, beta glucan helps natural turn over of dead skin cells and promotes health of macrophages, which are the cells that destroy dead or mutated skin cells.

    Customer Feedback

    Thus far, reviews and customer feedback of Illuminatural 6i have been very positive. Consumers have embraced the product as a safer alternative to skin brighteners with hydroquinone and particularly mercury, which is linked to neurological, psychological and kidney problems.

    Adding to that last point, it's not uncommon for consumers to apply a skin lightening product to the entire body, for months and even years, in an effort to lighten the complexion and reduce visibility of skin blemishes, including blotchiness, sun damage, acne scars and age spots.

    Engaging in this practice with a conventional skin lightener with mercury – and estimates suggest that one in four skin lightening products sold in the Unites States is formulated with this toxic agent – elevates risk of mercury poisoning, which, in pregnant women, can be passed along to their unborn child.

    With Illuminatural, customer surveys indicate that many consumers continue to bleach most of their skin, yet appreciate that, being without mercury, hydroquinone, steroids or harmful chemicals, appears to be much safer than with common skin brighteners.

    Should You Buy Illuminatural 6i?

    If you have skin blemishes, dark spots, uneven complexion and you'd like to do something about it, you might consider Illuminatural 6i as a safe and natural alternative to most skin lightening products on the market today.

    You might also take comfort in knowing that it's offered by Skinception, a well-known brand of popular skin care products that blend natural ingredients with patented peptides and that keep paraben content to a minimum.

    Reviews will be ongoing with Illuminatural 6i, of course, and it remains to be seen whether consumers will flock to Illuminatural or continue with common, if not riskier skin lightening products.

    But it is encouraging to know that there is now a natural skin lightening product on the market, that delivers what it claims, with a notable reduction in skin blemishes and brighter, more even complexion, and that reviews so far are very positive about Illuminatural 6i.


Review of Rosacea Relief Serum

Rosacea is just plain nasty. If you're prone to rosacea, you know how it goes. A break out, redness and that pain that feels like prickling heat. Ugh.

Those who get rosacea have heard the drill. They know the triggers - stress, wind, even sun light - and go out of their way to avoid them. Geez, it's enough to make you feel like a vampire.

Rosacea hurts the ego and can really impact quality of life. Estimates suggest that 41% of rosacea patients have missed a social event due to an outbreak, 51% have missed work and 88% say that rosacea affects their personal interactions.

Our advice? Stop feeling sorry for yourself. A little tough love is necessary here, because you no longer have to go through the redness and pain of rosacea. There's good news on your horizon: Skinception Rosacea Relief Serum.

Let's Talk About Rosacea Treatment

If you've got rosacea, as 16 million Americans do, you've probably tried the various treatments that purportedly reduce symptoms and help you go about your life. Let's recap. A rosacea treatment should

  1. Boost skin barrier. This, in turn, reduces hyper-sensitivity, making you less vulnerable to those triggers. Stressed? Windy day? Not to worry, a good rosacea treatment should help with that.
  2. Symptom reduction. Fewer outbreaks are one thing. What about existing redness, or the persistent outbreaks that just don't wanna go away? A rosacea treatment should also reduce redness, with less inflammation of the blood vessels, which, by the way, ages the skin. Among other things, repeated inflammation can cause blood pools and spider veins.

And if you've spent the better part of your life searching for an effective rosacea treatment, you can exhale. There IS relief from the pain and embarrassment of rosacea. Over to you, Rosacea Relief Serum!

Rosacea Relief Serum is the Real Deal

Skinception Rosacea Relief Serum stands out for a number of reasons, not the least of which being the quality of its ingredients.

In Rosacea Relief Serum you'll find an ideal balance of natural ingredients and patented peptides. Of the former, consider beta glucan, ginkgo biloba and green tea extract. You know the old health tip about putting green tea bags over your eyes to reduce puffiness? Turns out green tea extract can also reduce rosacea.

Getting back to those peptides, if you haven't heard of Renovage®, you will very soon. In a recent clinical study, of 25 women age 45 and higher, participants applied a concentration of Renovage®, twice daily, over six months. At the end of the study, redness had decreased in 90% of the study participants, and by at least 30%.

And more good news: Renovage® improved barrier function in 75% of the study's participants. Skin tone? Improved in over 75% of the women.

Those are the kinds of numbers that can treat rosacea. And in the process, bring some semblance of normal back to your life.

What To Choose...

If rosacea is an issue for you, spend money to treat it effectively. That means with Skinception Rosacea Relief Serum which, when you consider the impact rosacea has on your well-being, may very well be the best investment for your health that you'll ever make.

At $59.95 for a one month supply, Rosacea Relief Serum offers reasonable value for those looking for relief. Go higher and you'll save more; the Gold Package is a four month supply plus a free month's worth of Rosacea Relief Serum. And you save forty dollars.

Of course, if you're an absolute bargain hunter, purchase the Diamond Package - a six month supply of Rosacea Relief Serum AND an additional two month supply, with free overnight shipping in the United States. The cost? Just $289.95, which works out to $37 a month.

For a life free of rosacea, we'd pay ten times that much.


America's Next Top Model Winner Endorses Dermefface FX7

TV and mid-sized companies make strange bedfellows for the simple reason that the latter rarely have large marketing budgets. But quality products will always move if they do what they claim. And sometimes, you never know who you're helping.

That was the case in early 2013 when the makers of Dermefface FX7 learned they had a high-profile client who'd used the product to help get rid of a very prominent scar she'd developed after a fall. The client? Lisa D'Amato. And her claim to fame? None other than America's Next Top Model.

Who is Lisa D'Amato?

Lisa D'Amato is an American model and recording artist. She's known primarily for her time on America's Next Top Model, appearing on the 5th cycle, where she placed sixth. Yet she remained a fan favorite for her bold style and daring outfits that landed her a second shot at the title, on America's Next Top Model All-Stars, which she won in 2011.

D'Amato's personality on America's Next Top Model contributed to much of the show's success, earning her the title '10th Biggest Villain in Reality TV' by TV Guide.

Her career blossomed, with modeling work for high profile clients like Guess and Barney's New York. She continued her TV appearances as well, appearing on MTV Cribs and The Oxygen Network, among others. But her world crashed down, literally, in December 2012 when a freak accident left her with a huge facial scar that could have ended her modeling career.

Why She Chose Dermefface FX7

The injury caused her more than just physical pain. D'Amato was one of the most recognizable faces in fashion at the time, having won America's Next Top Model and with her extensive modeling career. The developing scar occurred on the worst place for any model, her face, which affected her job, but more importantly, her confidence. And how she felt about herself and what she brought to the world.

So she looked for solutions. Seeing her plight, her husband joined her as they researched dozens of scar removal gels. Her criteria: something that worked quickly, that didn't inflame her skin, cause acne, but most of all, one that reduced scarring, visibly, for her career and self-esteem.

She tried several scar removal gels, with mixed results. Frustrated, she and her husband found Dermefface FX7 and decided to try it. Five months later, she was glad that she did - her scarring had faded, with visible results in just two weeks. Now her scar is barely noticeable and she's smiling again.

Lisa D'Amato, ANTM Winner, Endorses Dermefface FX7

Remarkable things happen when scars fade. For Lisa D'Amato, that meant she could model again. She's also transitioning to a career in music, with an emphasis on electro-rap and hip hop. She's now performed at several prominent venues, among them the MGM Grand Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, The Viper Room, Fubar Hollywood and Coachella in Palm Springs.

Hearing her story, and how it helped her get her groove back, the makers of Dermefface FX7 approached Lisa D'Amato and asked if they could share her story. Many people have scars, after all, and perhaps they, like D'Amato, want to get rid of them, quickly, and once again feel good about the skin they're blessed with.

Feeling there was a mutually beneficial relationship in the making, Skinception asked Lisa D'Amato to endorse Dermefface FX7. To everyone's delight, she said yes.

Lisa's story is just one of hundreds of thousands who use Dermefface FX7 each year and make scars vanish, and we couldn't be happier. It's a lot easier to smile when you're not worried about people staring at your skin. Dermefface FX7 helped an America's Next Top Model winner reduce a scar. Perhaps now it might to the same for you.

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