6 Best Teeth Whitening ways to try at Home

6 Best teeth whitening ways to try at home
Whitening teeth

What are the reasons for yellow teeth?


  • Family Gene – From your Family Genetics,
  • Getting Ageing
  • Illness and on Medication
  • Smoking – Using tobacco
  • Foods – Like Sauces and Curry spices
  • Drinks – With Artificial Flavors, Coffee, and Tea

Practicing Regular good oral hygiene:

The most essential thing a person can do to decrease tooth discoloration is to practice good dental care.

Brushing and flossing regularly maintain the enamel, prevent gum deterioration, and eliminate stains.

Oral hygiene is a tried-and-true approach for maintaining your smile in pristine condition.

Toothpaste removes stains from the surface of your teeth softly. Whitening toothpaste operates in the same manner as whitening toothpaste, but they do not bleach your teeth.

Flossing removes food and germs that can form into plaque, which causes your teeth to seem dull and darker.

Brushing your teeth at least twice every day. Cleaning around the gums and the backs of the teeth is also important.

Making use of fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride can help to prevent and even reverse tooth decay.

Though some individuals are against using fluoride, dentists feel it is safe and healthy for teeth.

Changing your Diet Style:


Foods that discolor the teeth can be minimized by avoiding them. Tannin-containing foods and beverages, such as wine and tea, can discolor the teeth. Coffee, as well as black drinks and beverages, can discolor them.

Acidic meals can discolor the teeth by eroding the enamel. People who are worried about the color of their teeth should limit their intake of citrus fruits, coffee, and soda. Alternatively, they should wash their teeth immediately after having them.

Dentists often advise patients to wait 30 minutes after eating before cleaning their teeth. Because acids can degrade the enamel, brushing too quickly might result in dental damage.

Quitting smoking or using tobacco products can help lessen the likelihood of nicotine stains. It can also help to avoid tooth decay and gum disease, both of which can erode the enamel and cause problems with your oral health.

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1. Brush with a paste of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide:


Baking soda has teeth-whitening effects, which is why it is frequently advertised in toothpaste ads. Because of its somewhat abrasive character, it aids in the removal of stains from the tooth surface.

In contrast, hydrogen peroxide is a natural bleaching agent. It also aids in the destruction of microorganisms. For many years, people have used hydrogen peroxide to eliminate bacteria on wounds.

What would you get if you combined the two ingredients to produce toothpaste? A fantastic tooth whitening solution!

How to make It?


Take one tablespoon of baking soda and two teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide and mix them. You’ll end up with a paste if you combine both items. Brush your teeth with this paste regularly. It’s not magic; you won’t get super-shiny teeth after just one session. If you use this paste daily, you will notice a change.

You may also produce mouthwash with the same baking soda/hydrogen peroxide ratio plus some water.

Both chemicals are safe, but if you suspect you’ve done something incorrectly, such as using the wrong components, consult your dentist right once.

2. Brush With Baking Soda & Lemon Juice:


Baking soda’s acidic and abrasive nature will gently exfoliate stains off your teeth and restore the PH of your mouth to normal levels. It will also absorb the sharp acidity of the additional lemon juice.

How To Make it?

  • 2–4 tablespoons baking soda 
  • Sufficient Lemon Juice to make a paste.
  • A toothbrush with Soft or Sensitive Bristles.

3. Strawberry, Salt and Baking Soda:


A major source of Vitamin C, the strawberry is a fantastic whitening tool. Strawberries carry an enzyme known as malic acid which breaks down yellow causing bacteria found in plaque. With the addition of ‘grit’ found in salt and baking soda, this teeth whitening trio packs quite the punch.

How to make it?

  • 1 to 3 good-sized strawberries
  •  A pinch of salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda

How to use it?

Take your strawberries, salt, and baking soda to a jar or bowl for mixing. Continue to mash and mix the ingredients until paste consistency.
Before applying the paste to your teeth, clear your said teeth of any saliva using a paper towel. Use a generous amount and let sit for about five minutes. Repeat process on a nightly basis to optimal results!

4. Oil Pulling:


The advantages of coconut oil are expanding, and they now include your smile! The term “oil pulling” is both accurate and effective. If you can stomach the taste, this age-old medicine is a tried-and-true cure. 

Coconut oil contains lauric acid, which aids in the battle against yellow-inducing bacteria in plaque. Furthermore, this miraculous oil promotes the condition of your gums and eliminates foul breath.

It won’t “bleach” your teeth, but the lauric acid in coconut oil can clear them of germs present in plaque that causes them to yellow. It is also said to improve gum health and keep your breath fresh.
Here’s everything you’ll need for your ‘oil pull’…

1 to 1.5 teaspoons coconut oil

How to use It?

Use a spoon to scoop up a suitable quantity of coconut oil before cleaning your teeth. Place the coconut in your mouth and let it melt. Swish the liquid about your mouth for ten to fifteen minutes, much like mouthwash.
Spit out the coconut oil after covering the whole interior of your mouth several times, and then clean your teeth. You can practice this daily or whenever you like to do it.

5. Vinegar of Apple Cider:


Apple cider vinegar is well-known for its medicinal properties. This natural antibiotic is also beneficial to your oral health! It will clean your teeth and gums by acting as a personal scrubber, eliminating stains and germs. What makes it so effective? Acetic acid, potassium, magnesium, probiotics, and enzymes are all found in apple cider vinegar.
These tiny workers consume dangerous bacteria while encouraging the growth of healthy bacteria. Because it is naturally acidic, it aids in the breakdown of plaque and other things that have been attached to the teeth. The pH of apple cider vinegar can eliminate stains from your teeth, allowing you to whiten them naturally.

How much ACV is required?

1 to 2 tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar

How to Use It?

Using ACV to whiten teeth takes time and effort. You’ll need to repeat the practice for nearly a month before you notice any real effects. Rub apple cider vinegar on your teeth for one to two minutes with your finger, then rinse your mouth completely with water. 

With acids in mind, we recommend that you exercise caution while using acids on your teeth. Repetitive use of acids on your teeth may be detrimental to your teeth, so always rinse and brush soon after.

6. Eat Fruits For Natural whitening:


While chewing, crunchy fruits and vegetables are believed to remove plaque from your teeth. Of course, they are not a replacement for cleaning your teeth, but any therapy is a good remedy if it produces the intended outcomes.

Pineapple and strawberries are two foods that have been claimed to whiten your teeth. Bromelain, an enzyme found in pineapple, efficiently dissolves stains and aids in general teeth whitening.

Strawberries, on the other hand, contain malic acid, which has been shown to reduce discoloration and make your teeth seem whiter.

Consult Your Dentist:

If none of the above-given Home cures seems not working for you, it may be time to enlist the help of a professional, in this case, a dentist. Veneers or dental implants may be a better option than teeth with poor color and health. Veneers are porcelain wafers that are permanently attached to your teeth. Veneers cover your teeth and give them a false-color, shape, or location. Veneers are not a “teeth whitening” option, but they can brighten your smile by hiding an artificial coating on your teeth. If the health and color of your teeth do not appear to be repairable, dental implants may be the way to go. Dental implants are metal posts that are used to support prosthetic tooth restorations.

If you have tried other than these methods at home, please comment below.


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