
Is Narcissism common now?, Do I Need to project myself a Hero?

Is Narcissism common now?, Do I Need to project myself a Hero?

Who is in the world doesn’t want to be Hero? At some point in life, everyone becomes a hero or does a heroic act. 

Is Narcissism or being Narcissistic is heroic behavior? Narcissists are Heroes or leaders?. Let’s Move further to understand Narcissism.

Havelock Ellis, a British author, and a physician was the first to identify narcissism as a mental disease in 1898. 

Narcissism is distinguished by an inflated self-image and an addiction to fantasy. By an exceptional calmness and serenity disrupted only when the narcissistic confidence is threatened. And by a proclivity to take people for granted or to exploit them.

Narcissism is selfishness, involving a sense of entitlement, a lack of empathy, and a need for admiration, characterizes a personality type.

According to Sigmund Freud, narcissism is a normal stage of child development, but it is classified as a problem beyond puberty.

Narcissus, a self-loving boy from Greek mythology

In Greek mythology, Narcissus is the son of the river god Cephissus and the nymph Liriope. He was well-known for his beauty. 

According to Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Book III, Narcissus’s mother was warned by the blind seer Tiresias that if he never recognized himself, he would live a long life. 

However, his rejection of the nymph Echo’s or the young man Ameinias’ love aroused the wrath of the gods upon him. He fell in love with his own reflection in a spring’s waters and pined away (or killed himself); the flower that bears his name sprang up where he perished.

"Narcissism" Definition

Narcissism is defined as excessive self-involvement to the point that a person ignores the needs of others around them.

Narcissists habitually disregard people or their feelings. They are also unaware of the impact their actions have on others.

It is crucial to remember that narcissism is a personality feature, but it can also be a symptom of wide personality disorder. 

Because narcissism is a spectrum disorder, not every narcissist has Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). People who are at the upper end of the range are classed as having NPD, whereas others with narcissistic features may be at the lower end of the scale.

People who exhibit indications of narcissism are frequently charming and charismatic. They frequently do not exhibit negative behavior right away, particularly in relationships. 

Others who exhibit narcissism frequently choose to surround themselves with people who feed their egos. They form relationships to maintain their self-image, even if these ties are shallow.

What is a Narcissistic Hero Behavior?

A narcissistic hero is a character who is often the protagonist of a story, with qualities and traits that draw the audience in. They typically have an inflated self-image and are frequently characterized by their selfishness, manipulation and grandiosity. Despite these unattractive characteristics, they often remain the focus of attention due to their charm and charisma.

What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)?

According to American Psychiatric Association (APA), Narcissistic Personality disorder is defined as a “craving for adoration and a lack of empathy for others. A person with a narcissistic personality disorder may have an inflated feeling of self-importance, a sense of entitlement, exploit others, or lack empathy.”

NPD affects men more than women: men account for 50–75 percent of those diagnosed worldwide. The diagnosis of narcissism has been cited in psychiatric literature since 1911, and it was first listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) in 1980.

The majority of narcissists believe they are unique or special (82.1 %), followed by a sense of entitlement (80.4 %), and a lack of empathy (78.8% ). Men outperform women in terms of lack of empathy (83.1% vs. 72.3 % )

According to a recent study at Ohio State University, many people freely acknowledge being narcissists. While narcissism is common, a narcissistic personality disorder is uncommon.

It’s human nature to be selfish and boastful from time to time, but true narcissists take it to their logical conclusion. They also don’t appreciate other people’s feelings or thoughts, and they overlook other people’s needs.

However, there is a distinction to be made between being self-absorbed (commonly referred to as a narcissist) and having a narcissistic personality disorder. NDP is a psychiatric disorder.

If you identify a couple of the traits listed below, you’ve met someone who is self-absorbed. If they have the majority of them, they may have the condition.

People suffering from NPD may have low self-esteem. Their NPD’s could be linked to sentiments of entitlement. A therapist can help you figure things out.

Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (Narcissistic Behavior)

A person who suffers from a narcissistic personality disorder may:

  • Frequently upset others.
  • Struggle to maintain relationships.
  • They prioritize themselves.
  • They believe they know how to do things perfectly.
  • They spend most of their time thinking about themselves and talking about themselves.
  • Desire attention and adoration.
  • They exaggerate their abilities and accomplishments.
  • They believe that they are unique.
  • They set unattainable ambitions.
  • Have wide and rapid mood fluctuations.
  • Have a tough time taking other people’s feelings seriously.
  • Make every effort to win, no matter what it takes.
  • Imagine having unlimited success, money, and power.

Types of Narcissism

  1. Grandiose Narcissism
  2. Vulnerable Narcissism

 Even as a specific sort of narcissism has become increasingly visible in entertainment, you can’t deny that Mother Gothel in Tangled is a typical, terrifying grandiose narcissist, the other, the more subtle subtype is being overlooked, with disastrous repercussions. 

The distinction between grandiose narcissism and vulnerable narcissism has been a component of psychological theory since the late 1980s, but it is now time to bring it into the mainstream.

Two types may share characteristics but have had very different childhoods. Two types also influence how people behave in relationships.

Grandiose Narcissism

The grandiose type of narcissism is the one that we’re all familiar with, the one that is intimately involved with an inflated sense of self. This type of narcissist truly believes that they are God’s gifts. They do not conceal their doubts.

People who exhibit this conduct were most likely treated as superior or above others as children. As they get older, these expectations may follow them. They tend to boast and be elitists.

They are constantly in their approach, they want to be treated as they are the world’s eighth wonder at all times, and they respond with surprise and wrath if they aren’t.

The grandiose type was summed up as “arrogant, entitled, exploitative, and envious”. In a 2003 analysis of the two different narcissism types: they don’t learn from wrong decisions, are completely convinced that they deserve everything excellent in the world, and are nearly incapable of empathetic reactions to others whose needs are not being met.

Vulnerable Narcissism

This type of narcissism is frequently the outcome of neglect or maltreatment as a child. People that exhibit this conduct are far more sensitive. 

Narcissistic conduct protects them from thoughts of inadequacy. Even though they alternate between feeling inferior and superior to others, they are angered or concerned when others do not treat them as though they are unique.

This is the subtype of narcissism that, to be honest, is more harmful than the more obvious one since it is so much less noticeable to the untrained observer or even the skilled one. 

The emotional background of vulnerable narcissists distinguishes them: 

“Vulnerable narcissists are preoccupied with fears of rejection and abandonment,” and “slide back and forth between feeling superior and inferior depending on what’s going on in their life at the moment,”. 

According to the excellent summary of Bipolar Disorder Central. The root of their self-centeredness stems from an acute fear that they are genuinely worthless and shameful.

The Causes and Risk Factors of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)

It is still clearly unknown and needs more research on this disorder. It’s most likely caused by a complicated combination of factors, such as:

  • Genes
  • The surrounding environment, including parental-child relationships
  • Biology of the nervous system – the connection between your behavior and your nervous system.

A recent study discovered that people whose parents put them on a pedestal and showered them with unending praise are more likely to develop NPD. 

But, on the other hand, the inverse is also true. Children who are ignored or abused are more likely to develop NPD as a survival mechanism. They may believe that they must protect themselves because no one else would.

Narcissistic Relationship

NPD produces issues in many aspects of life, including close relationships. These interpersonal challenges are frequently exacerbated by NPD traits such as:

  • Easily hurt.
  • Overreacts.
  • They Cannot tolerate criticism.
  • Make explanations for his or her defects or failures.
  • Refuse to accept accountability.
  • Attempts to influence or manipulate people.
  • Hyper competitive.
  • Only associates with persons who are considered to be on their level.
  • Erupts in anger.
  • Defame/Shame others.
  • Neglectful of emotions.
  • Do not pay attention.
  • Frequently interrupt.

Someone like this may appear to have great self-esteem, yet the contrary is sometimes true. 

Underneath the stately veneer, there may lie a deep sense of uneasiness. It is possible to be narcissistic without having the illness. 

They may be self-absorbed and hypercompetitive, but not to the point that it interferes with their daily lives.

How to deal with a narcissist?

Managing a narcissistic relationship can be extremely challenging and stressful.

Narcissistic persons may mislead and exploit others in their drive for control and adoration, harming their self-esteem and even attempting to modify their perception of reality.

Arguing with a narcissist about their behavior is typically useless. Setting limits and emotionally distancing yourself is a more effective technique. Recognize that while you may not be able to control your sentiments toward someone, you can control how you respond to them.

Breaking off contact with a narcissistic spouse, member of the family, or boss may prove to be the best, if not the only, remedy in the long run. It is beneficial to think about the traits of the individual during this procedure to prevent finding oneself.

What are the best ways to deal with a narcissist?

Acknowledging your dissatisfaction, understanding where the behavior is coming from, and refusing to lose your sense of purpose when a narcissist takes center stage are all important measures.

Researchers who categorize narcissists as susceptible or grandiose suggest that different techniques are required for each type.

Treatment for Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Although there is no cure, therapy can help. The goal is to improve the individual’s low self-esteem and to have more reasonable expectations of others. 

Typically, treatment focuses on talk therapy. This is sometimes referred to as psychotherapy. 

Talk therapy can help a person with NPD better relate to others and understand their feelings and behaviors. A person with NPD can benefit from talk therapy in the following ways:

  • Accept and keep relationships with others, even coworkers.
  • Recognize their own advantages and disadvantages.
  • Accept criticism or failure as a learning experience.
  • Create more attainable objectives.

Allow yourself to let go of unreasonable objectives and desires. There are no pharmaceuticals to treat this mental disorder, however sadness and anxiety often coexist with narcissism, and there are medications to treat both conditions.

If the narcissist consumes alcohol or drugs, which is common, the addictions must be treated as well.

When it comes to children, experts advise that parents who give too much praise should cut back. While those who don’t pay enough attention should step up.

Narcissists can learn to relate to others in more positive ways, but it all relies on how open they are to criticism and how motivated they are to change.

Is there any advantage to being narcissistic?

Some benefits of moderately strong but subclinical narcissism have been revealed, such as enhanced mental fortitude (doing well in high-pressure situations) and higher achievement in school and on work.

A person with a higher feeling of self-worth may be more motivated and forceful than others. Other studies have connected narcissism to a lower risk of depression.

Do narcissists realize that they are narcissists?

If you are unsure whether someone is a narcissist, it is better to simply ask them. It is considered that people are either unaware of their narcissism or deny it to avoid a challenge to their identity.

People who answered affirmatively to the single question, “Are you a narcissist?” were considerably more likely than others to score highly on narcissism on the 40-questions of the Narcissistic Personality Inventory(NPI). According to research utilizing the so-called Single-Item Narcissism Scale.

Can narcissists fall in love?

In the early phases of dating, narcissists may display passion and charm. Relationships are transactional for the majority of narcissists.

They deliver positive attention and sexual fulfillment to narcissists to boost their ego and self-esteem. The goal is to have uncommitted pleasure, and most narcissists feel bored in the relationship as the expectations for intimacy grow or they believe they have overcome the challenge of securing a relationship.

Narcissism or Healthy Ego?

In today’s materialistic world, where people love to post selfies on Instagram and brag about themselves on Facebook, it can be hard to know if your self-obsession means you have an unhealthy narcissism disorder or if it’s simply a sign of a healthy ego.

If you or someone close to you struggles with narcissism, see your doctor right away.

The sooner you get help, the better your chances of recovering from a narcissistic personality disorder—and regaining control over your life.

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