NASA Says 2021 is the 6th warmest year. Time to cut Carbon?

Hi! Are you mining Bitcoin You are one of the accountable people for 0.08% Co2 production worldwide. Everyone on earth are account for the emission of Carbon dioxide and other Greenhouse gases, Shortly called GHG, the greenhouse gases keep the planet earth warmer. Keep planet warmer? It is good, right? Especially during winter, winter storms.
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TogglePlease don’t come to a quick conclusion.
Next. Do you know? How much of your Carbon footprint is estimated and how much you are emitting?.
Already many of you maybe heard of Global warming.
But the question is, how can we stop Global Warming?
Let’s start with NASA’s Global Warming Report.
What does NASA say about global Warming in January 2022?
According to NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), Reported on January 13th, 2022, the Year 2021 was the sixth warmest year.
In 2021, the average land and surface of the ocean temperature was 1.51 degrees F (0.84 degrees C) higher than the 20th-century average.
Since 1977, It was also the 45th year in a row, where global temperatures rose above the 20th-century average.
The years 2013-2021 are all among the top ten warmest on record.
Ocean Heat Content (OHC), which quantifies the amount of heat stored in the ocean’s upper layers, reached a new high in 2021, exceeding the previous high recorded in 2020.
In the last seven years, the seven highest OHCs have occurred between 2015 to 2021. Sea-level rise can be exacerbated by high ocean heat content.
So What do all these mean? Greenhouse gas emissions and major changes in the land surface are linked to climate change and have far-reaching consequences across the Earth system.
“Science leaves no room for doubt: climate change is the biggest critical challenge of our time,” NASA Administrator Bill Nelson stated. “Eight of the top ten warmest years on our planet occurred in the last decade, an undeniable reality that highlights the necessity for decisive action to protect our country’s – and all of humanity’s – future.”
Human activities, which have increased emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, are to account for the global warming trend.
Global warming is already having an impact on the planet, Sea ice in the Arctic is melting, sea levels are increasing, wildfires are growing more severe, and animal movements are changing.
Understanding how the globe is changing – and how quickly – is critical for mankind to prepare for and adapt to a warmer world.
What are Greenhouse Gases (GHG) and Their Effects?
The gases in the Earth’s atmosphere that cause the greenhouse effect are known as greenhouse gases.
The majority of greenhouse gases have either a natural or an anthropogenic source. Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane, and nitrous oxide are naturally present in low concentrations in the atmosphere.
The greenhouse effect is useful. It maintains the planet’s average temperature of 59 degrees Fahrenheit (15 degrees Celsius) and maintains life on Earth, well, livable. Without it, the world would be a frozen, uninhabitable wasteland.
The issue is that humanity’s excessive utilization of fossil fuels for energy is artificially amplifying the natural greenhouse effect. As a result, A rise in global warming is affecting the planet’s climatic systems in many ways as mentioned above.
Why is carbon dioxide matter?
Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, which absorbs and releases heat. The land and ocean surfaces of the Earth, which have been warmed by sunlight, continuously produce thermal infrared radiation, heat.
Unlike oxygen and nitrogen, which make up the majority of our atmosphere, greenhouse gases retain heat and gradually release it over time, much like heat on the bricks in a fireplace after the fire is extinguished.
Without this natural greenhouse effect, the average annual temperature on Earth would be well below freezing rather than close to 60°F.
However, increases in greenhouse gases have thrown the Earth’s energy budget off balance, trapping more heat and increasing the average temperature.
CO2 is responsible for over 76% of total greenhouse gas emissions. Methane, largely from agriculture, accounts for 16% of greenhouse gas emissions, whereas nitrous oxide, primarily from industry and agriculture, accounts for 6% of global emissions.
That’s why we talk about only carbon because it is 76% in GHG.
Reducing carbon emission = reducing global warming.
What is the carbon footprint?
A carbon footprint is the entire quantity of greenhouse gas emissions caused by the Manufacture, use, and disposal of a product or service.
It comprises carbon dioxide, the most prevalent gas released by humans, as well as methane, nitrous oxide, and fluorinated gases, all of which trap heat in the atmosphere and contribute to global warming. Transportation, housing, and food often account for the majority of an individual’s carbon footprint.
You can begin by calculating your carbon footprint here. You will need to be aware of the following:
How many miles do you travel by vehicle, bus, rail, and plane?
The amount of energy used in your residence.
How much money do you spend on shopping?
Your diet’s composition. Everything comes under the Carbon footprint calculator.
According to WHO, Experts worldwide recommend a target limit of around 2 tonnes per person per year.
The global average is currently 4 tonnes per person, with substantial variance between countries. Everyone may do their part to decrease their carbon footprints.
Global Top Industries Emissions of GHG (Green House Gases)
he main reason for the rise of Co2 is, Human activities are altering the natural greenhouse effect on Earth. The burning of fossil fuels such as coal and oil has raised the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere over the last century (CO2).
According to UNEP (United Nations Environmental program’s Emissions Gap Report 2020 say the following industries are top contributors to GHG.
- Power plants – Electricity and Heat Production and other Energy transformation. Examples- Iron, Steel, Chemicals, Petrochemicals, food and tobacco, and other industries.
- Energy use, Mineral products, and other industrial processes.
- Transport – Road transport, Aviation, shipping, and rail.
- Agriculture, Enteric fermentation changes, and Waste.
- Changes in usages of lands.
Please note that they are top of the list, that doesn’t mean you are not on the list. As we mentioned above, Everything we do relates to carbon.
Above 400> PPM, Are we in Danger?
According to NASA‘s missions to observe Co2, the level of Co2 during December 2021 is 417 ppm (ppm-parts per million -measuring the ratio of carbon dioxide molecules to all of the other molecules in the atmosphere).
417 ppm is most likely the highest has ever had in human history.
According to Renowned climatologist Dr. James Hansen,
“If humanity wishes to preserve a planet similar to that on which civilization developed and to which life on Earth is adapted, paleoclimate evidence and ongoing climate change suggest that CO2 will need to be reduced from [current levels] to at most 350 ppm.”
We’re currently far above 400 ppm, and we’re adding more than 2 ppm of CO2 to the atmosphere per year. Unless we can swiftly reduce that level to less than 350 ppm this century, we risk triggering tipping points and irreversible effects that would send climate change spinning out of control.
So far, we’ve seen around 1 degree (Celsius) of warming, and the consequences for the environment and civilization are terrifying.
According to Statista, Based on a business-as-usual trend, global carbon dioxide emissions are forecast to increase to some 43.08 billion metric tons in 2050. In comparison to 35.3 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide in 2018.
People are already experiencing the effects of climate change
Climate change can have an impact on our health, ability to grow food, housing, safety, and employment.
Health, most of the people suffering from breathing issues. Because of the chemicals, dust, and other harmful elements emitted from industries.
Some of us, such as those living in small island nations and other underdeveloped countries, are already more sensitive to the effects of climate change.
Conditions like sea-level rise and saltwater intrusion have forced entire villages to evacuate, and prolonged droughts are putting people at risk of hunger. The number of “climate refugees” is anticipated to climb in the future.
Recent Example, The Indonesian Parliament adopted a bill to transfer the country’s capital on January 18, 2022. To alleviate Jakarta’s massive environmental issues, Indonesia will relocate its capital from Jakarta to a new city to be developed on the island of Borneo.

What are industries responsibilities?
As discussed top industries emissions GHG,
Power plants / Energy sectors
The energy industry is responsible for roughly 65 percent of total global GHG emissions. As a result, there is enormous potential to cut greenhouse gas emissions.
Shifting to renewable energy and boosting efficiency is not only important but also profitable.
Moreover, investments in renewable energy would generate three times the number of jobs as comparable investments in fossil fuels.
- Keep track of and reduce your company’s energy consumption, and strive for energy efficiency.
- Accept the opportunities that a shift to renewable energy will bring to your supply chain.
- Set targets for decarbonization and net-zero carbon emissions.
Industrial Emissions Reduction
There are numerous methods for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the manufacturing industry, including energy efficiency, fuel switching, combined heat and power, the use of renewable energy, and more effective material usage and recycling.
Reduce HFC (Hydrofluorocarbons) Emission
Chemicals that are commonly utilized in refrigeration, air conditioning systems, foam spraying, and other applications are among the fastest-growing greenhouse gases.
HFCs, which have a global climate change potential hundreds of times that of carbon dioxide, have the potential to have a large impact on climate change.
- Increase the scope of research and development to generate new possibilities for low-carbon industrial processes.
- Evaluate your business’ energy use and resource efficiency to uncover cost-effective, high-impact reductions.
- Understand your vulnerability to climate change and take safeguards.
- Accept the advantages of renewable energy and resource efficiency.
- Be a pioneer in environmentally friendly manufacturing processes.
During this pandemic, Increased usage of health care products, Emissions from Industries related to Health care increased.
Transport, by road, Aviation, and shipping
Transportation emits more greenhouse gases than any other industry. By 2050, the global car fleet is expected to double.
Already we have electric vehicles as an alternative, people should start buying them.
Businesses play an important role in Transportation. From rail transportation of raw supplies, shipping goods by ships. Next to road transport, Air travel is the most polluting mode of transportation. Next time you go on a trip, ask yourself if it’s required.
Agriculture – Food & Wastage
Food system solutions have the potential to alleviate world hunger while also mitigating the climate issue. Stopping food waste might cut world carbon emissions by 8 to 10%.
Government assistance to farmers should encourage climate-smart innovation and technology. You, too, can make a difference. Eat seasonally, locally, and plant-rich foods to prevent food waste.
- Measure and report food loss and waste in the workplace. Adopt a business pledge to cut food loss and waste in half.
- Collaborate with suppliers and clients to develop solutions that reduce food loss and waste throughout the supply chain, focusing on waste hotspots such as weak links in the cold chain.
- Review packaging, provide explicit storage and freezing instructions, remove “display till” dates, and clarify best before/use-by dates.
- In-store repurposing of overripe foods
- Integrate corporate food loss and waste practices throughout your organization, including making it easy for consumers and staff to reduce food waste.
- Set up surplus food rescue systems to transport healthy, uneaten food to services that can distribute it to those in need.

Oops..feel a bit lengthy?
Yes, it is. Everyone must understand that Everyone has a role to play in global warming positively or negatively.
So, If you are an individual, ask yourself, How can I reduce my carbon footprint?.
If you are related to any of the industries, How you are going to reduce the carbon emission from your industry?
Let’s together make a difference.