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National Hemp Month - July 2023

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What is Hemp?

Cannabis is hemp,  Cannabis sativa L. was designated as hemp under the 2014 Farm Bill. as well as any plant component with less than 0.3 percent THC by dry weight. 

Congress set Up the National Hemp Month in 1998. It’s aim is to inform the benefits of Hemp to the Americans .

Interesting Health Facts About Hemp

  • Hemp seeds have low cholesterol, saturated fat, and carbohydrates.
  • With its high nutritional value, hemp can be extremely beneficial to both the mind and the body. Hemp has been shown in studies to benefit not only cognitive performance but also cardiovascular health and muscle function.
  • Magnesium, a necessary nutrient that the body cannot produce on its own, is abundant in hemp. It’s essential for mood, hydration, muscle recovery, and even sound sleep. Magnesium also contributes to the health of your heart.
  • The omega-6 to omega-3 ratio in hemp seeds is ideally 3:1. These fatty acids support the immune system and reduce inflammation. Additionally, they might lessen the signs and symptoms of skin problems.
  • One of the most comprehensive sources of vegetable nutrition is hemp. It is thought to be more nutrient-dense than chia and flax seeds.
  • Carbon Emissions are absorbed in large amounts by hemp. Hemp production removes 1.6 tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere for every tonne of Hemp produced.
  • According to some research, taking hemp supplements may lower your risk of osteoporosis. Gamma-linolenic acid and magnesium are both abundant in hemp (GLA). While magnesium helps to strengthen bones, GLA helps to reduce bone loss.
  • It’s surprising to learn that hemp contains more protein per ounce than any type of meat. This makes it a fantastic meat substitute and a great potential solution to the global hunger problem.
  • With 20% and 80% of soluble and insoluble fiber, respectively, whole hemp seeds, are a good source of both types of fiber. The consumption of fiber has been linked to improved digestive health.
  • The North American Industrial Hemp Council claims that more than 25,000 products can be made out of hemp.
Five CBD

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